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Constitution of the Triangle Young Republicans


Article I—Name

The name of this organization shall be the Triangle Young Republicans (“the Organization,” or “the Association”).


Article II—Federation Membership

The Organization shall be a member of the North Carolina Federation of Young Republicans, Inc. (“NCFYR”).


Article III—Interpretation

3.1 Robert’s Rules This Constitution expressly incorporates Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised. All meeting of the organization shall follow Roberts Rules of Order. Unless expressly modified or suspended in this Constitution, Robert’s Rules of Order shall apply in full.

3.2 Priority If a conflict occurs, the most specific provision of: (1) the Constitution of the North Carolina Federation of Young Republicans, (2) this Constitution; (3) Robert’s Rules of Order; (4) any bylaws passed under this Constitution; (5) any resolution passed by the members; or (6) any motion made by the members shall, in the order listed above, control the resolution of the dispute—unless the provision is inconsistent with any item listed before it. Constitution of the North Carolina Federation of Young Republicans

3.3. Access at Meetings The Executive Committee of the Association shall ensure that the most current version of Robert’s Rules of Order, this Constitution, Constitution of the North Carolina Federation of Young Republicans, and any bylaws passed under this Constitution are accessible, in physical or digital form, by the members of the Association at every meeting of the Association.


Article IV—Membership

4.1 Types Membership shall be of three types: active, associate, and honorary. No member may have more than one type of membership. Upon payment of dues, an eligible person shall become a member of the type for which they are qualified.

4.2 Active Membership Any person who is at least eighteen (18) years of age but not over forty (40) years of age inclusive and is a registered Republican residing in Wake, Durham, and Orange counties is eligible for active membership in the Association. 4.3. Associate Membership Any registered Republican not meeting the requirements for active member status may be an Associate member and shall have all the rights and privileges of active members, except that he/she may not vote nor hold association office.

4.4. Honorary Membership Any person so designated by three-fourths vote of the active members present at any regular meeting of the Association shall be an honorary member. The active members or Executive Committee may, be a majority vote of either body, waive membership dues for an honorary member.

4.5 Membership Dues The Executive Committee of the Association shall determine the annual dues for members. But membership dues shall not be less than $10 per member per year.

4.6. Good Standing An active member shall only be in good standing if: (1) that member has paid their membership dues within the last 365 days, (2) that member continues to meet all eligibility requirements for their membership type (for example, party registration or residence), and (3) [OPTIONAL PROVISION] that member has attended at least one-quarter of all regular meetings of the Organization that calendar year.

4.7 Discipline The Association may, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of active members present at a regular meeting, censure and/or expel from the Association any member for any act or conduct deemed unfriendly or hostile to the best interests of the Association, if: 1. The Executive Committee has reviewed the proposed disciplinary action and made a recommendation about the proposed disciplinary action; 2. The accused member has been notified of the Executive Committee’s recommendation by certified mail at least seven calendar days before the

meeting at which the Association intends to take the disciplinary action; and 3. The accused member has had the right and opportunity to defend herself to the Executive Committee and Association personally or through a representative before the disciplinary action is taken.

Any meeting where the Association intends to take any disciplinary action must include the notice of charges in the call of the meeting and the active members must receive notice at least seventy-two hours before the beginning of the meeting. The person presenting the charge against the accused member shall not be entitled to vote on any disciplinary action concerning the accused member. But the person presenting the charge shall, subject to a resolution or motion, retain the right to be present at, speak during, and otherwise fully participate in any meeting where the Association or Executive Committee considers disciplinary action. Each member of the Organization consents to receiving written notice at the email address the member provides the Organization when the member pays his or her annual dues. It is the member’s obligation to ensure the email address is current and that emails from the Organization or its officers are not blocked by spam or other filters on the member’s email.


Article V—Elected Officers

5.1 Authority of Elected Officers. Unless otherwise provided in this Constitution, the Elected Officers of the Association shall manage the affairs of the Association. The Elected Officers and the Association may delegate authority to committees as provided by this Constitution.

5.2 Designation The Elected Officers of the Association shall be the Chairman, 1st Vice Chairman, 2nd Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers will have sole voting authority within the Executive Committee.

5.3 Elected Officers’ Terms All officers shall hold office from the Annual Meeting until their successors take office.

5.4 Vacancies A vacancy in an elective office shall be filled by means of an election of the membership if more than six months of the unexpired term remain. If fewer than six months remain, the vacancy shall be filled by an election of the Executive Committee.

5.5 Chairman

The Chairman shall have the authority and duty to: 1. Preside at all meetings of the Association; 2. Preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee; 3. Appoint Committees; 4. Supervise the activities of the Association; 5. Represent the Association in the Chairman’s official capacity; and 6. Perform all other duties incidental to the office of Chairman.

5.6 1st Vice Chairman The 1st Vice Chairman shall have the authority and duty to: 1. If the Chairman resigns, is absent, or is disqualified, preside at meetings of the Association or the Executive Committee; and 2. Perform other duties of the Chairman as delegated by the Chairman. 3. The 1st Vice Chairman shall be responsible for organizing the general membership meetings, membership retention programs, social programs, production of the newsletter.

5.7 2nd Vice Chairman The 2nd Vice Chairman shall have the authority and duty to: 1. Manage fundraising, membership recruitment, and political programs across the county, and, in consultation with the Executive Board, for all external public relations and publicity for the Organization. 2. Public relations and publicity include managing the Organization’s website and social media accounts.

5.8 Secretary The Secretary shall have the authority and duty to: 1. Take minutes at all meeting of the Association and Executive Committee; 2. Submit a copy of all prepared minutes to the Executive Committee; 3. Mail all announcements and notices provided for by this Constitution or any bylaws enacted under this Constitution; and 4. Perform all other secretarial duties for the Association as assigned by the Chairman.

5.9 Treasurer The Treasurer shall have the authority and duty to: 1. Collect and pay out all Association funds as directed by the Executive Committee; 2. Keep all Association accounts open at all times for inspection by the Executive Committee and Elected Officers; 3. Render accounts of the transaction and financial condition of the Association to its active members at each regular meeting of the Association; 4. Submit an annual written financial report to the Association at its January meeting; and

5. Perform all other financial duties for the Association as assigned by the Chairman. 6. Act in an advisory, non-voting capacity on the Executive Board.


Article VI—Executive Committee

6.1 Committee Members The Elected Officers, with the Immediate Past-President, Treasurer and the Chairmen of the standing committees in advisory capacity, shall form the Executive Committee. 1. The Immediate Past President shall have a tie-breaker vote in the event that a vote of the Executive Committee is split (2/2).

6.2 Duties The Executive Committee shall plan and oversee all association activities.

6.3 Meetings Executive Committee meetings shall be held at such times and places as the Committee shall decide. Each Executive Committee member shall receive at least five days’ notice from the Chairman unless said notice is waived by each individual committee member. A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. Meetings of the Executive Committee are open to all association members, unless the Executive Committee is in Executive Session.

6.4 Executive Session Executive Session meetings may only be called by a majority of the Executive Committee and may. Executive Session meetings may only be called for the following purposes: 1. To review or take a disciplinary action under § 4.7 of this Constitution; 2. To resolve a challenge under § 12.3 of this Constitution; 3. To receive evidence, reports, or testimony from an Elected Officer or member of the Executive Committee; or 4. To address a confidential matter or privileged information. Privileged information shall mean information covered by a legal privilege including, without limitation, attorney-client privilege, doctor-patient privilege, spousal privilege, or clergy-penitent privilege. Confidential matters shall mean any financial matter of the Association or a member of the Association or any personal matter of a member of the Association declared to be confidential by a two-thirds majority of the Executive Committee.

6.5 Delegate Selection to the State Convention Any member wishing to be a delegate will submit a formal request in writing to the Chairman (This can be done via email, text message, direct message, or on paper). The Chairman will submit the proposed slate of delegates and alternates to be approved by a simple majority of the Voting Executive Board (3/5). Any member wishing to be a delegate must have been a member in good standing for at least thirty days prior to request.


Article VII Association Meetings

7.1 Regular Meetings Regular meetings of the Association shall be held at the times designated by the Executive Committee of the Association. All association members must be notified at least seven days before each regular meeting. Regular meetings shall be held at least once every two months. 7.2 Special Meetings Special meetings of the Association may be called at any time by: 1. the Chairman, 2. the Executive Committee, or 3. A signed petition of ten (10) percent of the active members. Written notice must be given the membership at least ten days before the noticed meeting. Written notice must state the specific purpose(s) of the special meeting. No matter not specifically listed in the written notice of the special meeting shall be addressed at the special meeting. If any matter not specifically listed in the written notice of special meeting, any action taken on that matter shall be null and void and of no effect.

7.3 Annual Meeting The Annual meeting of the Association shall be the regular meeting in February of each year. Only members who have been active members of the Association for at least thirty days before the Annual Meeting may vote or be nominated for office at the Annual Meeting. The outgoing Chairman shall be the Chairman of the Annual Meeting.

7.4 Quorum. On-third of the active members of the Association entitled to vote at the meeting shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Association. A majority of Elected Officers shall constitute a quorum any meeting of the Elected Officers. A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitution a quorum at any meeting of the Executive Committee. Any action taken by the Executive Committee or Elected Officers without a quorum shall be null and void and of no effect.

Once quorum is established at a meeting, the meeting may continue until adjourned regardless of whether a quorum continues to be present. Any meeting of the Association without quorum may be challenged at start of that meeting or, if the challenge member was not present at the meeting, at the start of the next meeting of the Association. Any challenge not made a the start of a meeting, as provided above, shall be deemed waived and may not be remade. If a meeting is challenged as being without quorum, the Chairman shall tally the number of active members entitled to vote present at the meeting and, if quorum is not present, shall adjourn the meeting for not less than 24 hours.


Article VIII—Elections

8.1 Annual Elections The election of officers shall be held at the Annual meeting and officers-elect shall take office at the end of that meeting.

8.2 Nominations All candidates for association office shall be nominated from the floor during the Annual meeting. Only active members in good standing may nominate a candidate for association office. Nominators shall be given an opportunity to make a nominating speech on the candidate’s behalf during the Annual meeting. All candidates for association office shall be given an opportunity to speak during the Annual meeting. If only one candidate is nominated for a given office that officer may be elected by acclamation. Any member of the Association entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting shall have the right to be heard on the nomination of any candidate for a reasonable time. A majority of members present and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting shall have the right to determine how much time is reasonable, but no member entitled to be heard shall have less than two minutes to speak on the nomination of any candidate.

8.3 Ballots Voting in all contested races shall be by secret ballot. No proxy or absentee ballots shall be allowed. Fifty percent plus one of the votes cast shall constitute a majority for election. If no candidate garners a majority of the votes cast on the first ballot, the two candidates receiving the most votes will be voted upon in a runoff election. 8.4 Tellers The Chairman of the Annual Meeting shall appoint at least three (3) tellers who shall dispense, collect and tabulate the vote. The tellers shall not be a candidate for any elected association office.

8.5 Vacancy Election Any election to fill a vacancy under § 5.4 of this Constitution shall be held, with or without notice, regular meeting of the Association immediately after the vacancy

arises unless the vacancy arises less than seven days before the next scheduled regular meeting. If the vacancy arises less than seven days before the next scheduled regular meeting, the Vacancy Election shall be held at the second regular meeting after the vacancy arises. Only members who have been active members of the Association for at least thirty days before the Vacancy Election may vote or be nominated for office at the Vacancy Election. All relevant provisions of this Constitution shall fully apply to the Vacancy Election as if it were an Annual Election—but Vacancy Election shall be chaired as if it were a regular meeting of the Association.


Article IX—Committees

9.1 Standing Committees The standing committees shall be as follows: Finance, Recruitment, Communications, Political Activism, and Social. The Chairman may appoint and remove chairmen of the standing committees with the approval of the Executive Committee. If necessary, elected officers may be assigned to chair committees.

9.2 Committee Creation & Delegation The Executive Committee shall have the responsibility to create, fill, and continue all standing committees listed in this Article unless a majority of the active members of the Association vote to (1) allow the Executive Committee to fulfil the role of a specified standing committee or (2) allow the Executive Committee not to create, fill, or continue the standing committee. Any vote to (1) allow the Executive Committee to fulfil the role of a specified standing committee or (2) allow the Executive Committee not to create, fill, or continue the standing committee shall only be effective for one year from the date of the vote. Once such a vote ceases to be effective the Executive Committee shall, in the absence of another such vote, fully resume the responsibilities listed in this Article.

9.3 Special Committees The Chairman, with the approval of the Executive Committee, may appoint special committees as deemed necessary by the Chairman.

9.4 Finance The Finance Committee shall be responsible for the development and implementation of activities to raise funds for the Association. The Chairman of this committee will be the Finance Director. 9.5 Recruitment The Recruitment Committee shall be responsible for recruiting new members for the Association, as well as working to ensure that current members renew their memberships each year. The Chairman of this committee will be the Recruitment Director.

9.6 Communications The Communications Committee shall be responsible for promoting the Association and its activities, both within the Republican Party and to the general public. The Chairman of this committee will be the Communications Director.

9.7 Political Activism The Political Activism Committee shall be responsible for assisting Republican campaigns in accordance with the association’s Constitutional provisions. The Chairman of this committee will be the Political Director.

9.8 Social The Social Committee shall be responsible for organizing social activities for the association’s members. The Chairman of this committee will be the Social Director.


Article X—Endorsement

10.1 Endorsement -- Neither the association, nor the Executive Committee as a whole, nor any officers in their official capacities, shall in any way endorse or oppose the candidacy of any Republican in a primary election or any registered Republican running against another registered Republican in a non-partisan race, or any individual running for Republican Party office at any level.  Further, neither the association, nor the Executive Committee as a whole, nor any officers in their official capacities, shall endorse any candidate who is a member of any party other than the Republican Party. The only exceptions being in internal NCFYR Elections.

10.2 Penalty for Endorsement Violation of Section 1 of this article by the Executive Committee as a whole or by any officer shall constitute grounds for a vote of censure and/or removal from office by the association membership following the voting and notification procedures outlined in Article V, Section 6.


Article XI—Amendments

11.1 Submission A proposed amendment to this Constitution shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary at a regular meeting of the association, at which time it shall be read to the members. The amendments shall be discussed and voted upon at the next regular meeting.

11.2 Amendment

This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of those active members in good standing present at any regular meeting, provided that Section 1 of this Article has been complied with.


Article XII—General Provisions

12.1 Rules Chair A majority of active members or the Executive Committee may appoint a Rules Chair for to determine any issues about interpretation or application of this Constitution, the Constitution of the North Carolina Federation of Young Republicans, Robert’s Rules of Order any bylaws passed under this Constitution, any resolution passed by the members, or any motion made by the members. The Rules Chair shall have the term provided in the motion or resolution appointing the Rules Chair. But the Rules Chair may not be appointed for a single-term longer than one year, unless the Rules Chair is reappointed at the end of the Rules Chair’s term.

12.2 Resolutions Any member in good standing may bring forth a written statement of some conviction that they feel the association should share. Resolutions will be adopted by majority vote of the members present and in good standing at a regular meeting of the association. Resolutions adopted by the association are to be kept in the permanent files maintained by the Secretary.

12.3 Membership or Election Challenges Any member may challenge the membership or election of any other member at any regular or annual meeting of the Association. The member wishing to challenge the membership or election of another member shall provide written notice to the Executive Committee at least 10 days’ before the meeting at which the member wishes to challenge the standing or election of another member. The Executive Committee shall meet, in Executive Session, immediately before the meeting at which the challenge shall be made to review the challenge. The Executive Committee shall make a recommendation about the challenge to the active members at the start of the meeting at which the challenge shall be made. The active members present shall then have the right to be heard and vote upon the challenge. This vote and hearing shall take place before any other business of the Association. No member shall make more than one challenge per year. If a member does make more than one challenge it shall be null and void and of no effect.

12.4 Voting Agreements

No member shall enter into a voting trust agreement or any other type of agreement enlisting in another person the authority to exercise that member’s voting power.

12.5 Notice Every notice required by in this Constitution shall specify the type of meeting noticed, the date and time of the meeting, and the location and street address of the meeting.

12.6 Meeting Locations No meeting under this Constitution shall be held at any location charging an admittance fee.

12.7 Waiver Any person who attends and participates in any meeting provided for in this Constitution without first challenging quorum, notice, or any other aspect of the meeting shall be deemed to have waived all such challenges. Waived challenges shall be null and void and of no effect.

12.8 Severability If any provision of this Constitution or the application thereof to any Person or circumstance shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the remainder of this Constitution and the application of such provision to other Persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law.

12.8 Gender When used in these bylaws, the words “he,” “she,” “his,” “her,” and “they” shall include and mean the singular, plural, masculine, feminine, or neuter, as the case may be, and as required by the text.

12.9 Management of Funds No funds received by donation, bequest or any other means shall be diverted from the use to which they may be assigned by the donor, testator or testatrix, unless said use is contrary to or in conflict with the purposes of the corporation, and no funds shall be used for any purpose other than to effect the purposes of the corporation.

12.10 Conflict of Interest No person having a conflict of interest may be present at, be heard at, or vote at the portion of any meeting under this Constitution relating to such conflict. A person shall have a conflict of interest if: 1. The person’s or Association’s decision or vote would affect that person’s standing, eligibility for office, or election to office under this Constitution;

2. The person’s or Association’s decision or vote would affect the standing, eligibility for office, or election to office under this Constitution of a direct relative of the person; or 3. The person has a financial interest in the outcome of any decision by the Association. A person shall have a finical interest if the decision would directly financially benefit or harm that person, an organization or corporation in which that person has a financial interest, or a direct relative of that person. But no action on membership dues shall create a conflict of interest. Not disclosing a known conflict of interest shall be grounds for disciplinary action under § 4.7.

12.11 Reference to the Association Unless the context requires otherwise, all references to the Association in this Constitution shall include the Elected Officers, Executive Committee, and all other Committees of the Association. 12.12 Exempt Activities Notwithstanding any other provision of these bylaws, no member, director, officer, employee or representative of this Association shall take any action or carry on any activity by or on behalf of the Association not permitted to be taken or carried on by an organization exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations as they now exist, or as they may hereafter be amended, or by an organization contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of such Code and Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended.

12.13 Adoption of Bylaws. The foregoing Bylaws were adopted by the Association at a meeting held on March 31 2021, and ordered and attested by the Secretary and filed as part of the minutes of the meeting.

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